You have heard the saying “there are no atheists in fox holes” – but according to scripture there are no atheists. Verse 18 – They are suppressing the truth Verse 19 – The truth of Gods existence is manifest in them Verse 20 – Gods existence is clearly evident in the creation. They are without excuse Verse 21 – It says “they knew God” Verse 22 – Is this not true how the atheists love to boast in their knowledge and mock those who believe in God as less intelligent, less ‘evolved’ humans. Verse 25 – they lie to themselves. Verse 28 – They knowRead More →

I watched this movie “The Dirt” which is the story of the metal band Motley Crue from the 1980’s. As a kid I looked up to rock stars. I saw their fame, money, the beautiful women that would throw themselves at them and that entire lifestyle I equated to true happiness. I wanted that more than anything. But What did I really want? What do we all want? To be loved and accepted. So I figured the more people that liked me, the more I’d be loved and accepted. The more girls that wanted to be with me, the more loved and accepted I’d be.Read More →

John 3:3 3 Jesus answered and said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that He gave His [a]only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life” What do these verses mean to you? How do we become born again? Can we become born again after death? What does Jesus mean by ‘believe?’ Is God just saying this is a negotiable thing depending on your level of knowledge of Him? Is there maybe a ‘no fault of yourRead More →

A few weekends ago I sat down to watch Stephen Hawkings documentary “Did God create the universe?” The text in olive I have quoted from the documentary, and hopefully accurately. If not please let me know. In the beginning of the documentary Stephen humbly states that “asking if God exists is a valid question.” I believe the answer is a resounding yes. Before I begin this article I should state that I am Christian who believes that God created everything including the universe. I also believe science is a wonderful thing but it isn’t everything. I believe there is much more to our existence thenRead More →