The Lords Supper

The Lords Supper

This stands in contrast to the Roman Catholic Doctrine of transubstantiation which teaches the elements of bread and wine literally become the body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus Christ. The elements can only be transformed through an ordained Roman Catholic priest or “alter christus” which means “another Christ” — This is why in the Roman Catholic Churches the wafer is placed into a tabernacle and they will also kneel before it as they teach it is literally Jesus physically present.

The Heidelberg was written in 1562 and is one of the 3 forms of unity that our church and many others hold to today…

The Heidelberg Catechism – The Lord’s Supper
78. Do then the bread and the wine become the real body and blood of Christ?
No, but as the water in Baptism is not changed into the blood of Christ, nor becomes the washing away of sins itself, being only the divine token and assurance thereof; so also in the Lord’s Supper the sacred bread does not become the body of Christ itself, though agreeably to the nature and usage of sacraments it is called the body of Christ. Matthew 26:26–28

Question 79. Why then does Christ call the bread his body and the cup his blood, or the new covenant in his blood, and why does Paul speak of a participation in the body and blood of Christ?
Christ speaks in this way for a good reason: He wants to teach us by his supper that as bread and wine sustain us in this temporal life, so his crucified body and shed blood are true food and drink for our souls to eternal life. But, even more important, he wants to assure us by this visible sign and pledge, first, that through the working of the Holy Spirit we share in his true body and blood as surely as we receive with our mouth these holy signs in remembrance of him, and, second, that all his suffering and obedience are as certainly ours as if we personally had suffered and paid for our sins. Matthew 26:26–28, 1 Corinthians 10:16–17